The College People

Lessons You Will Not Learn In College

College years are the time when you can learn lots of interesting and useful things and there are quite many people, who are going to assist you. So, diligent students will graduate with profound knowledge in various fields. However, there are quite many things that nobody learns at college, but still they are really important for future career and development. Graduate students shared the lessons they failed to master.

Nobody shows you a Straight Path

Everything is quite predictable at college. Application, sophomore year and then step by step, semester by semester you are told which direction to go and which skills to improve. Just after the graduation, you have to learn how to live without “GPA”. Most students think that it is freedom, but it is rather difficult to adjust to new reality. Even those graduates, who have a job just out of their school, they need to be ready to make choices and decisions.

You cannot have Incomplete Tasks

It is not a secret that most professors instead of bad grades can give you incompletes. Your future employer pays money for the result and if you have to cope with the task you should do it in time. Moreover, during college years, if you know that assignment is not going to meet a deadline, you can apply to custom essay writing at EssayOnlineStore, however it is impossible in the workplace, as it is only your responsibility.

Relationships with People are not the Same

Be ready to build new connections and it will not be as easy as at college. Graduates move to other cities and even countries and sometimes new life brings great changes, that’s why a search for new friends is nearly inevitable. Don’t worry about it too much but be attentive to the people around, there are definitely someone, who has the same interests and preferences. Moreover, it is an opportunity to find someone, who can be useful for your professional career and development.

You should be Present and Active

If you were in habit of missing classes, now you have to change your approach and priorities. Do you think an employer needs a worker, who is absent or is constantly late? Of course, he doesn’t. And it is not everything. Lots of students come to college and spend time there as passive listeners, in adult life nobody pays money for this. So, you should be always in time and most of the time busy.

Your Boss is not Going to be Changed Very Semester

You are not too much concerned about the relationships with your professor, because in some time you are going to have another one and so on. You are concentrated only on getting perfect grade. When you are hired, you usually hope to remain the member of the company as long as possible. That’s why, it is necessary to make really good impressions from the very beginning and to avoid conflicts both with your boss and other colleagues. Fulfill your duties and be flexible.

Grades are not the Measure of Success

The most common main aim of all students is getting the best grades and after that they can even forget about the subject and the task. Things are much more complicated for those who have started their career. Certainly, your main reward is your salary however you often have to motivate yourself for better work. Don’t expect somebody to praise you or criticize for every step. Now it is time to become responsible and really self-organized.