The College People

Can’t Decide On A Major? Take A Gap Year Instead

Choosing the right major can be tough. It’s a big decision with a lot resting on the outcome. Choosing a major means committing to something for the foreseeable future. Yet the choice affects the rest of your life. With that in mind, it is definitely not a decision to take lightly. You should never feel pressured into the wrong major. Pursue the subjects you love. In fact, why not take a gap year instead? Give yourself the time to make the right decision. Here’s why a gap year makes a lot of sense.

Take the Time to Find Out what you Really Love

One thing that they never tell you is that real life is nothing like being at school. Those subjects rarely have a direct impact on your future job or lifestyle. With that in mind, it doesn’t make a lot of sense to choose a major based on what you like at school. A much better idea is to get out into the real world. Figure out what you really love. What do you want to pursue in life? What sort of career matches your ambitions and dreams? A gap year will help you learn what you really love. Then take that passion to college with a major that will help you reach it.

Figure Out what’s important in Life

Surprise, surprise, there’s more to life than a good degree and grades. A gap year will help you identify what is important to you. Do you have a burning desire to travel? Do you feel a calling to help others with charity work? Is there an extreme thrill seeker inside you trying to get out? Use a gap year to explore these passions and figure out what’s important. Take that back to college and structure your degree about making that happen.

Get Additional Skills

A gap year is a great way to acquire additional skills that will help you in the future. A gap year can give you practical skills that a college degree simply can’t. For example, you could embark upon a ski season and learn to become a ski instructor. This will teach you the skills of communication, patience and teaching. For more information on ski instructing, follow this link: Similarly, you could teach English as a foreign language in just about any country in the world. On top of these, you’ll learn valuable life skills by travelling. You’ll open your mind to new cultures, people and experiences.

Perform Better in College and get a Stronger

A gap year sets you up perfectly to perform better in college and find a stronger career. The skills you learn on a gap year will make you a stronger student. The confidence and communication skills that come from travelling cannot be matched. You’ll have gained the characteristics that employers look for in graduates too.

Don’t be afraid to take time out to choose the right path for you. This will make a big difference when it comes to the future. You are still young. Get out into the world and broaden your horizons. When you come back, you’ll be ready to take on college with skills, knowledge and passion.