The College People

Job in Technical Support Easy as ABC

If you don’t have a degree or/and a job experience in other sphere, position in technical support may be a good choice for you. Even though the pay is not that high – for instance, technical support specialist in Mumbai earns about Rs 409,291 per year, it is still a good entry-level job to consider.

In case you decide to target the field, you should also keep in mind the high pressure and pace of the job, and the irritated customers as well. But if you plan working in the IT, this is a good chance for you to put your foot at the door and get started.

Even though the job searching process is pretty similar for all types of jobs, you still have to make some more steps between finding a job offer and being hired. And here is a little guide for you.

A good thing about technical support job is that not much experience is needed, neither special degree. The main things recruiters usually look for are ability to perform well under stress, being well with people and high level of self-organization. Thus, make sure your resume shows you have those skills – if you had an experience or resolving some serious problem, or handling high-stress situation, be sure to mention it in CV. Organize it well, so that everything needed can be found fast.

There are a lot of specified websites to look for support or call center jobs, such as JobTonic, Monster or Indeed, or LinkedIn. But if you want to go farther, you can simply Google the vacancies and get a great amount of companies that are hiring people for performing technical support. The most popular are Apple, Dell, EMC, as well as companies selling car parts and technical stuff.

Most of the jobs in technical support are available online, so all you will have to do is fill in the form, submit all the documents required – CV, resume and cover letter – and send it all via website. And make sure you don’t make any mistakes – if you are heading IT sphere, you have to be able to handle online forms, and otherwise you have nothing to do there.

Getting a reply usually takes some time, so use it to prepare for the interview. Do your homework, learn more about the company and the products they are producing or selling. Prepare some questions to ask employers, and decide what you can answer to the most common yet tricky questions you might be asked during the interview.
