The College People

Affordable Student Accommodation In London: Have You Considered A House Share?

If you are going to university, there is a lot that you will need to plan before term time begins. Not only will you have to get all the textbooks you need, explore the new area and so on and so forth, but you will need to find accommodation too. This is a really important decision. After all, you want to make sure you are in a good location and that you are happy, otherwise it can have an extremely detrimental impact on your overall experience at university. Keeping that in mind, in this post we are going to introduce you to one option, and this is a house share. So, continue reading to discover everything you need to know.

What is a house share? Quite simply, this is when several people share a house and they rent out a room. Therefore, you may share a house with five other people. The house will boast six bedrooms, and you will rent out your room, the bathroom, kitchen and living room area is then communal. There are some people that are lucky enough to have an en-suite, or there will be one bedroom per two or three rooms, yet this is not always the case.

A house share offers you an exceptional way of saving money if you are looking for affordable student accommodation in London, which is what most people will be seeking. After all, student life is not cheap, and most people cannot afford to splash out on expensive accommodation. Let’s not forget, you will have your living expenses and tuition fees to fund as well.

There is a lot to consider when looking for the ideal house share. Location is of paramount importance. When going to university in London, it is always a good idea to look for accommodation that is located within close proximity to a tube station. This is how everyone gets around in the UK’s capital. You will be able to get to any part of London with ease if you are located close to a tube station, which means that you do not necessarily need to find somewhere that is really close to campus.

In addition to this, you will want to discover how many other people you are going to be sharing the house with. You should also look at the facilities. Will you have access to the Internet? Is there a TV in the living room? Some house shares also come with a cleaner who will clean the communal area every so often. You also need to discover whether any bills are included in your cost of rent as well, as this is often the case. Finally, it is a good idea to read reviews that have been left by students that have lived in that accommodation before you, as this is the best way to get an honest insight into what you should expect.

All things considered, it is not hard to see why house shares are popular amongst those seeking affordable student accommodation in London. Make sure you consider the points that have been mentioned to find the ideal house share for you.