The College People

David Ostrer – The Education Evangelist

No matter how much we hate waking up early for schools, we can’t shut the doors to education.  It’s an important part of our daily existence and at the same time steered our way to light, to success and to our enlightenment. Education gives us opportunities and helps us to do away with the obstacles that often put a hindrance to our life. Proper education helps us realize our dreams and at the same time helps carving a way to economic prosperity.

But, even in the 21st century there are many people who are deprived of education and the basic needs of life.  Even in the developed states like Washington, there are many people who are deprived of education and enlightenment. Quite obviously, they are completely shut out from the rest of the world. For these unprivileged segments of the society, David Ostrer is no less than of a God. He is a famous stalwart, who have taken a daring step to reform the education system in the state of Washington. He is not only a truly educated man, but also a reformer, an evangelist. For him education of his countrymen was motto and to steer it successful, he had adopted several key measures to   propagate the needs for education in all levels of society.

David Ostrer – The Education Evangelist

When he was appointed in the administrative body of the Lake Washington School District, he had walked an extra mile to   prove his zeal to build up a model school. Being an educational reformer, he had not only directed his interest towards academic upliftment, but has also adopted several key measures to build up the extra-curricular activities in the school.  The motto was to promote an overall development of a kid right from his/her early ages.  During his tenure with the school’s administration, he has won quite a good number of awards and accolades for his excellent contribution for the development of this school.

Unlike other underdeveloped countries, Washington also has a despicable take towards female education. However, Ostrer came up forward to do away with this trend.  As a renowned educational reformer, he has taken a significant move to raise the scenario of female education in the state. To him, girls comprise a key part of the society.  However, the society never accepts fair sex equal or superior to men.  Hence, they have always been exploited.  Being an evangelist, he always has a positive and wide approach to every project he has taken up since the inception of his career.

Over the past few years, David Ostrer has directly taken part in several educational reforms of the state.  He has also worked with the government in order to boost up the reform process in the state.  The best part is his contribution towards the female education, which has long been an unheeded aspect in this state.  Through his guidance the Education system of the state has reached a new height.

The administrative acumen and the expertise of this man is worth a huge appreciation.  This is why; he is still shining bright in the history of educational reforms in Washington.