The College People

How To Deal With A Messy Dorm Roommate

As if college life isn’t hard enough, messy roommates manage to make it worse by stressing you about the way your room looks, reeks, or provides shelter to a bunch of creepy crawlies. It’s difficult, we know, and sometimes living with someone like that can make your stay at college a living hell.

Imagine going to the tub every time you take shower and finding a ball of hair stuck to the soap. Not pretty. And the last thing we need is to sound like a nagging wife when we’re just trying to enjoy and live through our years in college!

Then how do we approach this problem? Here are a few tactful ways you can address the problem without having to break the “roomie bond”.

If all else fails, you might be forced to take drastic measures. Dorms usually have RA’s (resident advisors) for handling such conflicts. The RA has the authority to counsel you or your roommate about the troubling situation and even assign you a new room, if necessary.