The College People

Why Train As An Aesthetics Nurse?

There has been a many reports in the news lately about nurses being unhappy in their profession, due to working long hours with little reward.  Sound familiar?  Perhaps you are a nurse or nurse prescriber currently working in a hospital or clinic environment and are tired of feeling overworked and underpaid?

Perhaps a new direction where you can use your existing skills is just what you need!  Training to become an aesthetics nurse is a fantastic choice for a new successful career.  The popularity of non-surgical treatments rises year upon year and it’s a lucrative industry.  If you are an NMC registered nurse you are eligible to undertake Botox and dermal filler training and carry out treatments, though if you are not a nurse prescriber you will need a doctor or another healthcare professional to prescribe it for you.

So why undergo training to become an Aesthetics Nurse?

1-Better Income

As previously mentioned, the world of aesthetics is booming so there is the potential to earn a great income- even more if you choose to work for yourself.  Aesthetic treatments are generally very quick to carry out, so just think how much you can earn when Botox treatments start at £200.

2-Variety in your Working Day

There are numerous aesthetic treatments available in the UK and this is constantly expanding with new technology all the time.  Not just injectable treatments such as Botox and Dermal Fillers, you will be able to train in chemical peels, lasers, dermal roller and other skin treatments which will ensure your working day is kept varied.  As most aesthetic training is carried out over a weekend, you can learn as much as you want to build up your skill set!

3-Progress Quickly in your Career

Nurses have a big advantage when moving into facial aesthetics as they have an understanding of anatomy, dealing with patients on a day to day basis and how to manage patient complications.

Many aesthetic training courses are completed in a weekend with online theory done in advance so that practical ‘hands on’ experience is the main focus of your course.

4-Growing Industry

The world of facial aesthetics and cosmetic surgery in general is growing every day so the demand for various aesthetic treatments is always high. With high quality aesthetic training you will be able to advance in your career and grow your on business fast.

5-Improved Practitioner/Patient Relationships

One of the complaints that NHS nurses have is that they do not have long to spend with patients and it becomes almost like a production line.  When you are an aesthetics nurse you will find yourself forming great relationships with clients which sees them returning regularly for their repeat treatments and you will enjoy your job much more!