The College People

Attending College With Disabilities

There are several ways that a University or college can become a better institution of higher education through something called the “block” system. There are several things that are beneficial to learning using this system and the most beneficial of all is that rather than follow a curriculum that is traditional you can take one class at a time. There is a certain percentage of people who suffer from learning disabilities and having the option to only have to focus on one class and subject at a time can make higher education achievable for anyone. Universities that currently offer this as an option typically require only a few hours of actual class time per day and typically have a high take home assignment rate. But it offers a different style and method of learning that typically is reviewed to be an easier alternative to traditional university education.

Attending College With Disabilities

Currently there are only a few universities around the country that offer this curriculum with other universities slowly coming around to the idea of the block system. Many people ask questions about the block system like; “Are the credits the same as a traditional university?” Yes, the credits received from a university offering the block system to its students will most likely offer valid college credits. Does it take longer to graduate?” No, typically the rate at which you go through the degree program you choose is no slower than that of a traditional college. As can be seen there are many differences and similarities between traditional and block system collegiate education.

As we discover new disorders and disabilities within humankind, we realize that not everyone can learn in a traditional college curriculum. Not everyone learns the same as the next person, for these people there are other options for education rather than facing the uncertainty of a traditional college.Typically you are required to learn a great deal more in a certain amount of time per day, but you also get the ability to focus on only that subject for several weeks. The semester is broken into two to three “blocks” with there being two semesters a year. Therefore you would learn the same amount as in a typical year at a traditional school.

Overall, these new innovations in education are a shining example of how humankind continues to learn more about itself and change to conform to new facts about itself. These are the innovative new ideas that will make higher education available for all.