The College People

Why Study English At An English School

English may not be the most commonly spoken language in the world (only to be bested by Spanish) but it certainly is the most learned language in the world. According to the British Council, there were 750 million English foreign language speakers in the world and 375 million English as a Second Language (ESL) speakers in the year 2000. It is estimated that currently 1 billion people are learning English worldwide.

Why Do We Need To Learn English?

There are a few reasons why more people than ever before are choosing to learn English as a second language, though the two most common are:

ESL is obviously necessary for anyone living and working in English-speaking cultures like the UK. But it is also useful as English is used as the primary medium of communication by people who have different native languages (i.e. if one person were to speak Spanish and the other person German, they would both use English to communicate).

Where Can You Learn English?

Libraries, bookstores, and the Internet are all teeming with fantastic resources for learning the English language. Unfortunately, these tools are underutilized because they are not very user-friendly for those who do not already have a somewhat decent grasp of the English language.

This is why most people who are serious about learning English choose to attend an English language school in London. The best schools will have tiered classes and courses which allow you to begin learning English at a level with which you are most comfortable.

What Should I Look For in an English Language School?

The most important thing to look for in an English school is to find a school which will best be able to accommodate your needs and lifestyle.

Once you have found a school which meets your specific criteria, it is time to dig a bit deeper and look more closely at the school and its staff.

The best English schools offer incredibly flexible courses with you being able to choose how many hours each week you will spend learning and studying English. They will also be accredited by the British Council, offer loads of student support, and have a warm and friendly atmosphere that will make you feel welcomed and inspired to learn.