The College People

How To Get Your Child On The Right Educational Path

Every parent wants their child to have the best educational opportunities starting from a young age. Pre-school and kindergarten are important learning years for children, and it’s important they have strong influences to head them in the right direction. Choosing the right pre-school for your child is an important decision and should be based on the experience and training of the teachers in charge of the curriculum.

Choosing a Pre-School

According to Lake Tahoe Community College, it’s both exciting and scary when you are considering a pre-school for your child. You want him or her to grow up, be self-confident, and enjoy success, but at the same time you want to be very sure who has an influence on your precious child. You need to make a list of questions to ask prospective schools to be sure you find a school environment that will be comfortable for both your child and you. Arrange a visit before deciding on any school, whether you live in Reno NV or Boston MA. You should take your child for a visit to see how they interact with the other children and teachers.

Your List Of Questions

Do your teachers have early childhood education degrees?

What social activities do you provide?

Do you teach children numbers, letters, and sounds?

Does the school focus on early literacy?

Is there an art program?

How do you approach learning skills?

Are children required to be potty-trained?

What physical activities do you provide?

Are children separated by age groups?

Is there a nap time?

Do you follow a particular educational model?

What is your method of discipline?

What kind of meals will my child receive?

How do you handle medical emergencies?

What rules are children required to follow?

What is your illness policy?

Do you have an evacuation plan?

This may seem like a lot of questions, but the answers to each one is important to you and your child.

Your Personal Observations

According to PBS Parents, when you visit the school, there are things to observe. What is the atmosphere of the school? Children should be busy playing, coloring, building, and smiling. In a pre-school setting children learn to work together as well as individually. You should see evidence of both types of activities in the children. Are the children working on a variety of activities or is everyone doing the same project at the same time. Do you feel your child’s learning style is well suited to the school’s program?

Using these suggestions should help you find the school both you and your child will love.