The College People

3 Factors To Consider When Weighing Career Opportunities

Some people would argue that their jobs are some of the most important things about their lives. Because of the prioritization that occurs and causes most individuals to shape their lives to fit their jobs, people who are either starting to study for new careers or weighing the pros and cons of certain kinds of work often feel a great deal of anxiety. If that sounds familiar, there are several things to ponder that could help you make smart career-related decisions.

Your Interests

Maybe you’ve always felt fascinated by hacking, data breaches, and online security. In that case, you’d probably be an excellent candidate for a degree program or career path associated with cyber security.  On the other hand, maybe you love learning so much that you feel passionate about helping others experience how rewarding it is to gain knowledge. In that instance, you’re probably well equipped to work in or earn a degree that relates to the education sector.

Your Future Goals

It’s very important to have a future-oriented mindset whether you’re choosing a course or looking over job listings. Of course, your immediate goal is to get accepted into a degree program or land a particular job. But, do those aspirations also tie into what you want to do in five or 10 years? Hopefully so, but that may not be the case if you make hasty choices.

It could easily be said that keeping your future goals in mind is especially important when deciding what to study. After all, if you get hired for a position you don’t really like, you can just leave and go work somewhere else.

On the other hand, the things you study in school drastically shape your future prospects. You might study for a degree in healthcare administration and then find you’re eventually working in a career that’s part of the hospital’s C-Suite, or the senior-level executives tasked with running the organization. To learn more about some specific C-Suite occupations within the health care industry, refer to this infographic.

Occupational Duties

When figuring out the kind of work you want to do, it’s important to have a thorough understanding of the general duties associated with particular careers. For example, occupational therapist assistants have very physical days at work because they help set up therapy equipment and directly interact with patients to improve their lives through exercise regimens.

If you pursue a law degree, there’s a good chance you won’t spend a lot of time on your feet.  However, you’ll more than likely have to endure long hours and stressful situations with clients.

The more knowledgeable you are about careers in advance, the easier it’ll be to know if you can thrive in them. If possible, it’s a good idea to speak to someone who is already working in your desired field so you can get first-hand insight into what’s involved. In some cases, an internship can be an excellent way to gain an understanding of what people do in particular careers as well.

This is not an exhaustive piece about things to consider before selecting a college program or new career. However, it should get you off to a solid start.