The College People

5 Reasons To Consider A Career In Dental Hygiene

Are you unsure about what career you want to pursue? If so, becoming a dental hygienist may be the ideal career for you. It’s a rewarding career and your services will always be required, so it’s an area you should investigate fully. Below are five of the main reasons why you should consider a career in dental hygiene.

5 Reasons To Consider A Career In Dental Hygiene

You Can Become a Dental Hygienist Quickly

If you decide to become a dental hygienist and you’re anxious to start earning a salary in this area quickly, you can complete an accredited dental hygiene program in a dental hygiene school in as little as 18 months.

This is a huge incentive for anyone who wants to get their new career up-and-running as quickly as possible in an area of health care that rewards its professionals well. As well as being able to join the workforce in a short amount of time, you can start to progress in your career at a faster rate and move into more senior roles quicker.

It’s an In-demand Service

Most people get their teeth cleaned at some point in their lives, with many people getting their teeth cleaned on a regular basis. This means there is always a demand for a dental hygienist. As more people worry about their appearance and oral health, the demand for this type of health care service will continue to increase.

Your Standard of Living Will Be Better

A dental hygienist salary is in the region of £21,000 to £35,000 and these positions come with a range of attractive benefits. If you advance in this profession, your salary can increase to an even larger amount, which means dental hygienists are rewarded well for the important services they provide. As a result, you can provide a much better standard of living for yourself and other people, if you follow this career path.


Unlike many other health care positions, dental hygienists have much more flexibility and they can decide to work the hours that suit them the most. Some dental hygienist only work a few hours a week, while others decide to work on a full time basis. Dental hygienists are not tied to one employer either, with some of these dental professionals working for a number of different dental practices each week.

You Help Other People

A dental hygienist provides an important health care service. Your services prevent many oral problems that can affect the health and well-being of your patients. This means working in this area is not only financially rewarding, but it’s also rewarding on a personal level because you know you are affecting people’s lives in a positive way, which is not always the case in a many other professions.

When you’re in the process of deciding what course to enroll in or what career path to follow, becoming a dental hygienist should be one of the careers you should consider. It’s a rewarding career on many levels and all of the points mentioned above are really good reasons why you should think about becoming a dental hygienist.