The College People

Phases To Hire A Ghostwriter

If you are too busy, you are not very sure about your project or you are short of ideas, going to a ghostwriter is one of the ways you can take. Next, we’ll explain the steps you should follow.

Phases To Hire A Ghostwriter

  1. Freelance, autonomous or private entity?

The first thing to do is to go to Google (great friend) and write down those fantasies that catch your attention. Look at how they are positioned, the rates and the level of professionalism they transmit. Freelance or freelance ghost writers are cheaper but have a higher degree of risk associated with reliability and quality. If your pocket reigns and you are scared to be wrong, as is normal, you have an alternative: announce that you need the paper writing service of a professional. As if it were a job offer in which you are the company, freelance and freelance writers they will contact you. Thus, the process of selecting you will be more comfortable and simple. Take a look at pages like UpWork or Freelancer.

  1. Ask for a sample of your work and talk to the ghostwriter.

There is no better way to check the professionalism of a writer than to see first-hand his work. Do not be ashamed or afraid of being offended. You’re just making sure your name is not going to get dirty and that your money is not going to be thrown around the toilet. Try a brand new kind of ghostwriting services on Web.ThePensters.

The one you hire must convey security and trust. If any problems arise afterward, who will be responsible? The name that appears is yours and you will have to give the face. It is not a child’s game in which you can upload the error to another. He will have some of the blame, but the ultimate culprit is you.

Do not handle the job and then wipe your hands. In the same way that you are interested, for example, in each step of the publication of your book, be an active part of the project. Even if you hire the Nobel Prize, the idea is to organize meetings to guide and outline the content with him. Tell him what style you would like to follow, the ideas you have, the message you want to convey … In summary, give some guidelines on which to base. If you do not, not only will you not be happy with the result, but you could walk on quicksand. What would happen if the ghostwriter gets into topics that you do not control and, moreover, are rather scabrous? What if you deviate in ways you have not planned? We repeat: it is your prestige that is at stake, not yours.

In addition, it is important that you specify a deadline, a maximum deadline for submission of the work. More or less, following the example of the 200-page novel, we would be talking about 3 to 6 months.

  1. Time of legal agreement.

You are hiring a person, making your own talent, investing money, exposing your prestige … All this hidden, with no more guarantees than confidence in their professionalism. It is time to formalize the agreement through a contract, do not you think? Check the conditions well and do not sign anything that causes you to worry. Make sure the clauses are clear and there is no loose thread. Some of the indispensable requirements are:

Guarantee that the content is an original creation.

If the terms of the agreement are insufficient or confusing, you could be exposed to an accusation of plagiarism or to attempt against dignity, for example. You are supposed to be hiring a true professional, but there is always a percentage of insecurity. Although many cases in which it has been discovered that a famous man has contracted a black man, it is not usual that it transcends to the judicial scope. However, this does not mean that it does not happen. Remember that, in the end, the responsibility lies on you and on your behalf will be directed the possible charges in the first instance.

  1. Do not make the payment in one go.

When you hire a service, either to a stranger or to someone you trust, do not pay the full amount at once, let alone at the beginning. It is even illogical to pay for work that has not yet been done, do you? It is most advisable to make the first payment as a guarantee for the ghostwriter to begin his work. The amount of the remaining fees can be paid in installments or at the end, to a finished project, as agreed. You can also do it via escrow or escrow.

  1. Read your proposal and change what you consider appropriate.

When the ghost writer gives you the finished text, your duty is to do an in-depth reading of it. Check it without haste, check that there are no mistakes and unreservedly tell what you think can improve. This changeover period is also a perfect time to add some brushstrokes and details of yours, and that really looks like you’ve written it. Then, forward the text to you to enter changes or restructure parts as necessary.

  1. Complete the payment.

Now that the work is complete and you are satisfied, you can now pay the ghostwriter the last term or issue the money you left in escrow if it were the case.