The College People

This Is How You Set The Expectations In The Classroom

Consider a classroom as a place where 20 or 30 students spend more than 6 hours a day, here they are not to blame for occasionally turning noisy and disorganized. But if it becomes a habit and classroom management runs out of control, it is obviously a negative learning experience will generate along with the elevated stress level of the teacher.

However, the situation can always be controlled if the classrooms expectations are well-thought and set by the educators. According to the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD), mandating strictly defined regulations for the in-class behavior contributes to 25% of the aspects that influence classroom discipline. It is vital to set clearly defined expectations in the classroom as would help the students to create and nurture social skills, appreciate interactive and engaging learning, and an overall positive and productive classroom atmosphere for both the teacher and learners.

Expectations for Students

The trick to facilitate a quality learning process in motion is to set expectations and collective learning goals for the classroom. When there clear expectations are laid, students tend to feel personal responsibility for their learning and behavior and strive to progress towards accomplishing the classroom goals at the term end. But the teachers should focus on emphasizing these expectations right from the first day of the term, hence the academic success of students is to follow for the rest of the year. In case if the expectations are laid on midday through the term, it isn’t going to gather momentum rather will only leave the students in disarray.

It is essential for any teacher to acknowledge and create two major type of expectations: learning and behavioral. Behavioral expectations are fundamentally vital to keep a classroom running in a fluent and seamless manner. Research has stated that teachers who implemented the behavioral expectations and strategies have reported to have 30% less disturbance and nuisance than the teachers who haven’t, consequently, making it easier for the teachers to concentrate and provide lectures with no distractions. Some common class disciplines are the not the ways to bring the change in the classroom, rather similar to any high school or university level project, behavioral expectations should be well-thought and invested with effort. Simply, sticking a long and tedious listicle stating the never ending rules of the class are a thing of the past, rather the educator need to discuss the behavior with the students in an interactive manner. For example, you can start the discussion in the classroom by asking, “What should be the dos and don’ts in the classroom, and why”. Welcome the feedback from the students as well in order to craft the behavioral expectations partly on their own accord (if feasible).

Let’s not forget to talk about the learning expectations, equally important chunk as well. When teacher clearly explains the learning expectations at the start of the years, it helps the students to develop a roadmap for themselves and be able to track their own progression. Further, the subject material and learning outcomes will also excite them provided what they’re going to learn in the coming months.

Author Bio

Lara Hawkins is an experienced eLearning professional and has been contributing in many top educational institutions since the last decade. Apart from her regular job and passion to craft new learning strategies, Lara is also an accomplished assignment writing service provider registering a vast student base under her expertise in a plethora of academic disciplines.