The College People

The Top Reasons To Consider Moving Abroad For Your Internship

For many students, gaining work experience whilst studying for their degree program is just as important as the qualification itself. In today’s competitive world of work, graduates aren’t just expected to complete their college education with good grades, but also with some practical ideas of what to expect in their chosen career. For this reason, both paid and unpaid internships are becoming increasingly popular amongst students, with many choosing to study abroad for an even richer experience. Here are some great reasons to consider taking an internship abroad.

Reason #1. Broader Experience:

Internships at home in the U.S. are excellent for gaining some experience in your choice of career field, however, getting your work experience overseas can be completely different in many ways. Not only will you be able to experience firsthand how your chosen industry works in another country, you can also benefit from picking up other transferable skills, such as beginning to learn a new language and improving your communication skills through working with a team overseas.

Reason #2. Help Others:

For many students, the decision to take an internship, voluntary program or work experience program abroad is because they want to help others who are in the most need. For example, you can find medical internship abroad undergraduates that are popular with medical, nursing and healthcare students who want to use their need to gain experience to reach out and offer their care to people in developing countries or areas of the world that are impoverished and lacking in modern healthcare facilities. It’s not just healthcare students that can help others, either – there are several great opportunities available across the world for students in all industries who are hoping to reach out.

Reason #3. Challenge Yourself:

Many students who take on an internship abroad will do so alone, so it’s automatically more of a challenging experience since you will need to factor in aspects such as navigating a new area, getting to grips with unfamiliar local customs, adjusting to new ways of doing things and even learning a new language. For many students who do them, overseas internships aren’t just about challenging themselves professionally, but also personally since they will be far from their comfort zone in an unfamiliar place. The good news is that employers know this, so interning abroad can certainly boost your resume and make it stand out.

Reason #4. Have Fun!

Lastly, a massive reason to choose to go abroad for your internship is that it’s tons of fun. Don’t forget that you won’t be working every single day or hour that you are there; during your spare time you will be able to travel with your group, explore the local attractions and take part in some of the best activities available in the destination that you choose. If you’re working as part of a student internship program then there will also likely be many opportunities to socialize and make new friends with like-minded individuals.

Are you considering doing your internship abroad? We’d love to hear about it in the comments.