The College People

Learning The Correct Writing Style

If you are a student of humanity then it is quite necessary to write good English in the correct writing style. If you are living in any part of US then you are supposed to write in one of the styles recommended by the Universities of US. You can use the “MLA 8 guide“, to ensure that you are writing your research paper in the correct style of writing the paper. This is the most established form of writing style adopted and acknowledged by the American Universities.

Learning The Correct Writing Style

What is MLA?

This is the format established by the modern language association that issues guidelines regarding the format of the paper, the usage of punctuations and the quotations. It also issues the guidelines regarding the cited work and the source of documentation and how to quote in your paper. It is one of the formats used in US universities. The other formatting styles are governed by American Psychological Association and others.

What is the importance of the MLA?

 MLA style of formatting of the paper is important because of consistency it provides to the writing of the papers. It is also important because it guides how to document and cite your sources in the paper. It is important to cite the sources as it provides authenticity to the paper. It helps your readers to verify your sources and cross-check them if they want to do so. It also helps you in acknowledging your debt to the academician whose work you have used in your paper. It also makes your article plagiarism free.

Features of MLA format

Short quotations: You mark the words of others under quotations and similarly you should also put the short quotes of other in the quotation mark.

You can refer to The MLA Style Center to know the accurate style of learning the MLA style of formatting.