The College People

Upgrading Salesforce Packages On The Go To Meet New Challenges

Salesforce is now the No.1 technology platform, which helps businesses of all sizes and industries to outperform in their respective area. Coming packed with a lot of advantageous and advanced tools, Salesforce makes the administration tasks much easier for everyone from top to bottom and helps to streamline processes is a much effective way.

The major advantage of this PaaS application is that you can start as a base user by serving to exactly what you need as your business grows over time, you can keep on upgrading Salesforce to accommodate the changing needs.

Salesforce upgrades

Salesforce supports critical upgrades for managed packages as available in Salesforce Classic and Enterprise, Professional, Group, Unlimited, Performance, and Developer editions. Only authenticated users with permissions to upload AppExchange packages and download AppExchange packages can administer the respective upgrades.

Salesforce publishers may publish the upgrades for the managed package and will notify the users whenever a new version with better features is available. The installers of the managed package can then administer the installation process. We will further discuss the procedure for it.

The process of upgrading

Before you try and install any upgrade, experts suggest first to determine if the new app is a managed package or not. You can check it at the Managed > Installed Managed > Installed option by clicking on the icon and going to the details pages for every component and also checking the list of installed packages. However, if the app you installed is from somewhere other than managed packages, the upgrades may not be available

Once if you have it, then install upgrade the same way as you may install any other AppExchange packages. Mostly, the publisher will provide a link to access the new version, and you need to follow the link and install it simply. You can see the current version of the app from the first page of the installation wizard, the version you are planning to install, and the list of additional features and components in the new version.

Some specific considerations to make

It is essential to properly understand and plan any Salesforce upgrading to avoid confusion while executing, which may ultimately end up in severe downtime issues.