The College People

Why English Conversation Practice Is The Best Way To Improve Fluency

English is a very interesting language but why do many people fumble when asked to speak? When you can read and comprehend each sentence read without any hesitation, I wonder why students hesitate to communicate in English, what is it that’s driving away their level of confidence? Whatever it may be, incorporating a daily English conversation practice will undoubtedly improve one’s fluency and command over the language. Confidence will automatically follow.

Your next step here on would be “Let me Google a few websites and mobile applications, maybe that would help?” I suggest you stop right there. In circumstances like these, I’d strongly recommend that you start conversing with a native speaker because there’s no better way to work on your fluency that conversing with someone who is already good at it.

Why English Conversation Practice Is The Best Way To Improve Fluency

Those who take up English speaking courses after graduation or after completing their HSC examinations often make a common mistake and i.e they concentrate more on improvising their written skills. Speaking is the least practiced skill. This may be because you feel writing well or understanding what others speak is more important or simply because you aren’t confident enough. But did you know that practicing on your speaking skills can indirectly impact they way to write as well or in short improve your fluency? Yes, that’s true in every sense.

In the beginning, conversations can be a bit nerve-wracking, I completely agree to that but trust me the end result would leave you speechless. The reason why we learn or grasp better through conversations is because, languages are a series of sounds, you get a better understanding of how words are pronounced. For example ‘honor’, if you haven’t heard someone say it aloud, you’d never know that ‘h’ is silent. Similarly, words such as Worcestershire are hard to pronounce if you haven’t heard anyone use it. A comma when added to sentence, means you need to pause for a few seconds before you proceed with the rest, these are small things that make a huge difference.

Nothing is too difficult to accomplish and as far as spoken English is concerned, give it some time, don’t be in a hurry, practice daily without fail and you will see yourself improve with time. Apart from attending short term courses, self-practice is what you need to work on. Good Luck!