The College People

5 Mistakes To Avoid When Writing Your Thesis

A thesis is one of the most important writing assignments a student will ever have to complete. This is particularly true for students enrolled in a master’s degree program in which this is a major requirement. Students enrolled in such a program won’t be awarded their degree if they fail to submit a good thesis.

Since a thesis is such a crucial requirement, it is important that students know how to write a great paper – one that is good enough to earn them a high grade or, at the very least, a passing one.

Thesis Writing Pitfalls to Steer Clear of

If you are writing a thesis, there are a number of mistakes that you might make. Knowing what these pitfalls are before starting your paper will enable you to avoid them. And when you successfully dodge these traps, you will turn in a thesis that will impress your professor. You will avoid a lot of hassles, stress, and frustration as well.

Seasoned writers from a reputable essay writing company share below the top five mistakes you have to avoid when writing a thesis:

1.     Failing to do sufficient research

Research is part and parcel of thesis writing. You will have to start doing this as soon as you choose a subject for your paper.

When you don’t do enough research before you begin writing, you may end up choosing a topic that does not have any or enough materials or sources. This, in turn, will cause you to experience more difficulties as you go through the writing process.

By researching your target topic first, you will be sure you will have enough materials to use. You will have a better chance of writing a successful thesis statement as well.

2.     Selecting the wrong topic

A good topic is crucial to writing a great thesis. If you choose one that you are not interested in, your lack of fascination for the topic will show through your paper. It is highly likely you will submit a thesis that is poorly-researched and written as well.

Additionally, selecting a topic because it sounds academically-inclined and you think will probably impress your mentors is not always a good idea. If you are not passionate about the topic, you will simply tire yourself out researching and understanding it. You will then hand in a mediocre paper or even fail to finish writing it.

3.     Procrastinating

A typical thesis paper should be around 100 to 200 pages. If you keep postponing working on your paper, regardless of your reason, you will be hard-pressed to complete this requirement if you put things off until the last minute.

Moreover, you need to submit several drafts of your thesis to your mentors. They will need to review them and, once they are done, you will also need time to consider their feedback and include them in your paper.

If you rush into writing your thesis to meet the deadline, you will make a lot of careless mistakes that you may not have enough time to correct. Additionally, you won’t have enough time to express your personal insights in your paper.

4.     Being too disorganized

Having an outline for your research methodology and for the entire writing process will help you in various ways as you complete your thesis.

It is pointless to research and use various books and other materials if you don’t take note of them. When you fail to record them, you won’t be able to keep track of and use your sources and citations properly.

Being organized will also help you with your writing. When you create and follow a system, you will be successful in portraying a clear structure and a good progression of ideas.

5.     Failing to double-check and proofread your writing

Even if you spent enough time researching and writing your thesis, all your efforts will go to waste if you submit a paper that is full of spelling and grammatical errors. After all, no one, especially college professors, wants to read a paper with lots of errors, accidental or otherwise.

Proofreading and editing your final draft will help you find and correct spelling, grammar, punctuation, and typing errors.

After you have checked your work, ask another person to go over your paper. Whether this person is a trained editor, your business English writing tutor, or even a classmate, the fresh set of eyes will uncover other mistakes that you may have missed. You will also benefit from his or her suggestions for using other words or restructuring sentences so that you are able to convey your point better.

When getting a degree depends on your thesis, take painstaking care to avoid these mistakes. And make sure you put in extra effort to write your paper. By doing so, you will have a higher chance of submitting your best work and getting a good grade.


Taimoor Liaquat is the CEO at, renowned as the global source for professional writing services at all academic levels. The company’s team of world-class native English-speaking essay writers with advanced degrees at elite US universities ensures high-quality custom content for all clients.