The College People

How To Continue Your Education During Your Military Service

Many people who join the armed forces decide to enroll in college courses during their tenure in military service. Scheduling classes can be challenging when trying to find time to maintain professional duties as well as coursework. However, there are options that are utilized by military members that provide the opportunity to earn college credits toward a degree.

Local Colleges

Service personnel may be stationed at various locations during their enlisted time. In some positions, they could remain in the same location for several months. Depending on their current responsibilities and schedule, they may be able to enroll in college classes at the local campus. Generally, evening and weekend classes are available, and some sessions are scheduled at an accelerated pace so that classes may be completed within a few weeks. Interested military personnel should contact the college’s veteran admissions advisors to discuss enrollment options.

Online Courses

Another enrollment option is to take online courses. These are offered at many or most institutions of higher learning and welcome students from around the world. While some lectures are offered synchronously, meaning that the enrolled students can meet with the instructor and other students online at the same time for the lecture and questions afterward via a video conferencing platform, other lectures are posted within the online course framework and can be accessed at the student’s convenience. Assignments are submitted online by their due-dates. Instructors can usually be contacted by email, phone calls, or text messages.

Hybrid Courses

A hybrid course includes both campus classes and online instruction. Some courses require students to be in the campus classroom at the beginning and the end of the semester, but then allow students to complete most coursework online according to the syllabus schedule. Other courses require students to attend campus classes more frequently, like weekly, for lectures and class discussions, while allowing students to work on assignments outside of class online. This can be a great option for military personnel who want to enjoy a college experience but also have the freedom to work on their studies at home.

Independent Studies

Some college programs provide the option of taking certain classes on an independent basis. Students enroll in a course, meet the instructor on campus or online, and then follow a predetermined schedule of readings and assignments to earn credit for the course. This flexible option works well for busy students or those with unpredictable work schedules.

Many college course credits can be transferred, within limits, to other institutions toward a degree if the student moves to various locations. Students should consult an academic adviser when they would like to take coursework for more information.