Pay Your Invoice Bills Easily Through Selmon Expressway Online Process

The complication associated with moving out for the sake of paying your invoice bills seems to be a difficult task for some people. The good thing about the introduction of payment services online is that people can easily pay all their invoice bills by means of internet. Within few mouse clicks, they can able to pay all their toll-by plate invoices online. This service is offered via website. Now, you can easily pay your invoice payments for the Selmon expressway online anytime.

Pay Your Invoice Bills Easily Through Selmon Expressway Online Process

Selmon Expressway:

Selmon expressway is created in the year 1976-1987 which connects the expressway via South Tampa through Downtown Tampa. However, toll expressway with limited-access seems to be managed electronically and hence all the tolls invoices are gathered by means of Sunpass transponder or else by means of snapping motorists’ license plates. The Selmon Expressway seems to be managed through the authority of Tampa Hillsborough Expressway. Through this service, the users of the expressway get greatly benefitted so as to pay their tolls online. However, THEA authority broadcast invoices via mail which can be employed by drivers so as to pay their invoices bill by directly getting into the system by mentioning their certified plate numbers.

Essential Requirements:

Before proceeding with the toll-by-plate invoice payment process, you need to possess essential payment in your hand.

  • Computer with internet connectivity
  • Hold credit card or bank book to create payments online
  • Must have license plate number and invoice number handy

Procedure To Pay Invoices Online:

As this invoice payment services seems to be fully online based so you need to have computer with internet connectivity. Moreover, you need to have credit or debit card so as to pay your invoices. To understand about how to play invoices online read the below mentioned points:

  • Visit the official site
  • In the home page of the site, you have to enter the account number which is found on the invoice along with that enter number of license plate
  • Choose your respective state and click ‘Go’ button
  • Finish your payment process by just following the provided information that is found on the screen.

Paying your invoices seems to be very practical and simple than that of traditional means. Through this platform, you need not to call the service or check your mail so as to proceed with the invoices. This kind of online payment process seems to be easy to employ and hence you can easily manage your account all the times whenever the invoices arrives.