5 Steps To Creating Your Personal Development Plan

Do you feel like you’re not getting to anything in your life?

When you look back over the last year, do you feel that you are not heading in the direction you planned?

In this case, it is time to consider developing a personal development plan to give you the goals and directions that you are missing.

A personal development plan will help to determine what you expect from your life and how to achieve these expectations.

5 Steps To Creating Your Personal Development Plan

How to make a personal development plan? Here are 5 tips to help you:

1. Brainstorming

The first step is to write down everything you want to accomplish in your life. Write down everything that goes through your head, no matter if your ideas seem crazy. Do not let the negative feelings you dictate what is realistic or not.

Here there is no room for judgment.Concenters you currently fill your white sheet.

For example, use an application such as “Reviews the most dangerous writing app” stop writing for 5 seconds and all your text will automatically be deleted.

You can bypass the part of your brain that controls your reasoning and spread on your paper what you really want.

2. Create the main categories

After writing what you want to accomplish, it’s time to rank these goals in different areas of your life. Some concern your career, others your loves, or your intellectual development.

The best thing to do is to make your most abstract goals as possible so they can be easily categorized in several areas at once.

For example, if you wrote one of your goals like, “leave my current job  ,” “  start my own business  ” and “  get rich  ”, you can combine these sets 3 goals in a single category called “  Pass my own business  . “

But be careful if a goal is contrary to another; you will have to prioritize.

If you have categories, “  Achieving my own business  ” and “do not get up before noon and work no more than half an hour a day,” then you will probably have to decide what is most important to you and Put the other lens on hold.

3. Determine what you will need to achieve your goals

Now that you have your main objectives, it’s time to define the sub-goals are the steps between where you are now and where you want to be. These are the different steps to take that separate you from your life goals.

It is good practice to create a detailed but flexible plan.

Quite often, if you have correctly defined your categories in the step above, your planning work will be virtually complete.

In the example above, the two sub-goals “Succeeding my own business” are: “leave my current job” and “ start my own business.” These two stages must be achieved in order to achieve the final objective.

Still, break your sub-goals once they are defined.

What will you now have to accomplish to reach its sub-goals? You cannot reasonably quit your job if you do not have enough savings or other sources of income.

Make sure you identify the major obstacles that will be on your way and find ways to overcome them.

4. Stay “SMART”

Your goals should be “SMART PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES” (smart):

  • Specific: they are clear and you know what you need to change to achieve them.
  • Measurable: there must be ways to determine that you have reached your goal and you can move on to the next step.
  • Achievable: If you cannot reach them while they are only dreams, not goals.
  • Realistic: you cannot fly in the air unless they are on an airplane or in any other flying transport. And if you are 60, you will not win the tour of France.
  • Time: “Somewhere in the future  ” is not the right way of thinking. Set a schedule to complete all your goals.

Once this is done, then what is left to do is take action and begin each first step of your plan in each of the different areas.

5. These are objectives and not chains

Remember that when you pursue your goals, you must make sure to keep some space for unexpected situations.

“I do not want to get up now and work on my personal development plan “is not a valid excuse for not moving forward toward your goals. On the other hand, if you get sick, or your boss offers you a promotion, then you should be willing to be able to adapt, but not give up!

Rework your plan to take into account new events and determine what you need to change.

Finally, make sure you at least once a year so examine whether the objectives laid on paper yet reflect the goals you head. It is important not to end up on a road that you no longer want to follow.

For this, the best strategy is to do another brainstorming what you want, then compare your goals that you have put on paper a few months earlier.

If you realize that some of your goals have changed then, adjust your plan accordingly.