These days with the ever increasing cost of college tuition fees, a lot of students vie hard for scholarships every year. These grants assist students with tuition, accommodation, and finances. They might be sponsored by the school, by an individual, or in other cases, sponsored by a company. A number may be need-based, while others are given out strictly based on an individual’s academic performance.
The most universal kinds of scholarships are those which are allocated by a college or university, and the majority of student applicants also apply for any scholarships that happen to be available.
- Leadership and academic scholarships are the two most common types of scholarships awarded by colleges.
- A leadership scholarship is bestowed for participation in school and extra-curricular activities, and for academic excellence.
- It considers taking part in student government, clubs, and volunteering as major criteria for selection.
- Academic scholarships might look at activities as secondary necessities, but the major consideration is always the student’s academic record.
- Valedictorian and salutatorian scholarships may also be granted, as well as general academic scholarships for those looking for scholarship for Malaysian students.
Different Kinds of Scholarships
Scholarships which are bestow to individuals or sponsored by corporations might have other requirements for selection. A number of them, known as “need-based” scholarships, might require a particular financial need, while some others may require that a student is majoring in a certain degree program. Such awards are often available to students, so that the competition is high. Students can put together a CV style scrapbook of their achievements to help better their chances of being granted these kinds of scholarships.
Some other scholarship applications require that students must write out an essay on a particular subject. Such an essay, along with various other requirements, will help to determine who will receive the allocation. Such scholarships are more than often sponsored by civic and business affiliations.
Full Ride Type
What is known as a full ride scholarship, pays for all tuition, fees and housing. This sort of scholarship obviously means that a student will not have to rely on student loans to pay for their college tuition. These types of scholarships are the fewest in number, and naturally, the most difficult to obtain. They usually demand that a student has a noteworthy academic record and good leadership skills, plus letters of recommendation from teachers or administrators.
When someone is seeking a scholarship, the student should try consulting with a guidance counsellor at his or her high school and also do some online research. There are a number of scholarships that are not too well-known, but with a little bit of time spent, you can often uncover everything that a student might be eligible for.
Finding the perfect scholarship is never always that easy, but with a little effort and homework, it is in the majority of cases always worth putting in the effort. Good luck!